Sunday, June 12, 2011


I buy most of my gardening stuff at Meijer, who in turn get most of their plants from Elzinga and Hoeksema Greenhouses. I'm proud to shop locally from Michigan-made and grown products! I purchased 50 beautiful Elzinga and Hoeksema begonias from Meijer on May 22, and today, I finally planted these poor, dry, neglected begonias in the flower beds by the street. The begonias are the Bronze Leaf White and Bronze Leaf Pink varieties. I'll water them a lot and see how they do.

This was before watering. I know...this garden still needs a lot of work. But it's better. Don't get me started on how the tulips that normally reside in this garden fared this year. The flowering shrub is a weigela, and I love weigelas. But they look so much cuter when they're pruned perfectly round. here it is. My work for an afternoon:

The Man of the House used the B&L weed trimmer to trim veggie garden 3, which is desperately in need of weeding and tomato cages. Why do birds love eating thistle seed so much? Weeding all of this thistle is a big, nasty job. Why can't birds enjoy the seeds of cute things?

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