Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Suspense is Killing Me

I love it when the butterflies drink from the butterfly bush. It's very charming.

We have lots of cute little beets humming along.

This was a shock:

I had no idea that two zucchinis are done. But there they are. They've grown four inches in two days.

The tomatoes are so close, and there are so many of them on some plants. I want to have friends over for Caprese every day.

The cayennes look fabulous; they're just getting some finishing size and color, I imagine.

And I have this cute wildflower in my yard...I love the cute little random bird-gifts and preschooler-gifts.


  1. Cool, surprise zucchini! Ours are about one inch long right now. How will you prepare the beets?

  2. We always, always roast beets in a packet with olive oil, salt, and rosemary (400 degrees for 60-80 minutes), then either eat them plain or in a salad such as this one: http://www.recipe.com/ruby-salad-with-crumbled-feta-and-spicy-pepitas/. You could call it a rut. A delicious rut.
