Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Deer. She took a bite and didn't like it. She left four of them for me, though.

Deer. She left tracks all over the garden.

Deer. She took bites out of three green tomatoes and decided that she didn't like them.

Deer. She completely stripped clean the green bean plant that she snacked on earlier.

She also stripped the leaves from this mystery pepper.

My assistant and I grated a bar of Ivory bar soap around garden 3, and for good measure we also grated a bar of this perfumed soap.

Here in America, we don't negotiate with terrorists. Including deer terrorists.

We will be grating more soaps later and looking into other, non-fence solutions. Fences are ugly and I'm not ambitious enough to pursue a fence this year.


1 comment:

  1. Soap is a good idea! I have no idea if it works, but it seems like a good idea. This senseless destruction must stop.
