Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Good luck finding a gardener who can move and shake like this

Can you grow a little tiny broccoli at the end of October like this?

What about this?

So cute. Broccoli are like little trees. I love them. I never thought I'd be able to grow them.

This may be my last post for 2011. Thank you for reading and watching me struggle in the garden. I'll catch you at Christmas or in 2012!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

First Tomato Harvest: Panzanella Magic

It's Saturday afternoon; we had some homemade bread, some fresh off the vine tomatoes and some basil....

And the magic happened. This is why we do all of the work that we do. The flavors cannot possibly translate visually.

In this bowl is half a loaf of Moosewood focaccia, cubed and toasted; several chopped tomatoes; two chopped cucumbers; 2 tablespoons of capers; a couple of tablespoons of chiffonnaded basil; half a cup of olive oil; quarter of a cup of balsamic vinegar; salt and pepper. Heavenly.

You can add a handful of cubed or grated cheese of your choice. We added cubed yogurt cheese this time and loved it (we're saving our fresh mozzarella for caprese tomorrow).

We also enjoyed the bonito tuna (from Time for Tapas) atop ritz crackers. I highly recommend it.

Food doesn't have to be fussy or formal in order to be transcendent.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Show and Tell

A robin enjoys garden 2; taken from inside my car

I don't know how mature these beets will get, but I like the plants so much that I'll always probably plant beets from now on.

First color!

First pick! This is supposed to be deep purple, but who can wait that long?

Cayennes. They're still not red, but they're so pretty.

Grasshopper. My assistant is fascinated by these and wants to catch them all. I'm curious what it is in my garden that they like so much.

I also saw a Monarch butterfly but it wouldn't sit still.

July 2011 took 20 years off my life, but the plants keep growing.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Deer. She took a bite and didn't like it. She left four of them for me, though.

Deer. She left tracks all over the garden.

Deer. She took bites out of three green tomatoes and decided that she didn't like them.

Deer. She completely stripped clean the green bean plant that she snacked on earlier.

She also stripped the leaves from this mystery pepper.

My assistant and I grated a bar of Ivory bar soap around garden 3, and for good measure we also grated a bar of this perfumed soap.

Here in America, we don't negotiate with terrorists. Including deer terrorists.

We will be grating more soaps later and looking into other, non-fence solutions. Fences are ugly and I'm not ambitious enough to pursue a fence this year.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011


There are a few things on earth that incite an excited squeal/scream in me; it's a squeal that startles my husband and family and incites mockery by my fellow humans.

Unexpected mini caprese appetizers at a dinner party.

My first and unexpected view of Brewery Vivant, my admiration of which is its own lengthy pedantic entry.

Cilantro in my garden.

I'm watering this now. It's been dry.

Beautiful Gardening People

Is this a thing?

Are these four items weeds or vegetables that I planted? I don't recognize them.

They look like they could possibly be something.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I Love Company

I particularly love the company that our four butterfly bushes draw. We hosted at least two of these butterflies today:

We believe that these are Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterflies.